Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Am I a Cookie Cutter Mormon?

Three Gingerbread Man Cookie Cutters


God didn't send us down to earth to look perfect.  He sent us here to experience things and to gain a greater understanding of the love that He has for all of his children.  When Christ came to this earth, He didn't associate with those that were rich, educated or strong, but He spent time with those that were struggling. 

We all have very difficult things that we face everyday.  We are unique beings and we don't all fit into just one mold.  None of us are perfect, but that's ok!  As Elder Richard G. Scott said, "Our challenges are growth experiences."  I totally believe that is true!  The challenges and things I have struggled with have defined me.  I am a much different person than I was twenty years ago.  I have developed tolerance, empathy, some patience (though that still needs a lot of work), and a stronger belief that God is there for me.  But we all have one unique thing in common and that is we all have a loving Heavenly Father. God is there for all of us no matter what! 

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